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Magical Mystery Cure
The Main 5 singing S3E13.png
Flavour №: 3
Season episode №: 13
Overall episode №: 65
Original airdate: Feb nine, 2013 (screening)
Feb 16, 2013 (boob tube)
Written past: M. A. Larson
Storyboard: Tom Sales and Johnny Castuciano[one]
Storyboard assist past Sabrina Alberghetti[ii]
Songs: Morning in Ponyville
What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me
I've Got to Detect a Way
A True, Truthful Friend
Celestia'southward Ballad
Behold, Princess Twilight Sparkle
Life in Equestria
See also
credits • transcript • gallery • allusions
animation errors • statistics • speculation
Episode guide
Games Ponies Play
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Office 1

Magical Mystery Cure is the thirteenth episode of the third season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Information technology aired every bit the last episode of the third flavour and the sixty-fifth episode overall. Information technology is the commencement episode to feature Twilight Sparkle equally an Alicorn and the final episode to have place before the spin-off film My Little Pony Equestria Girls.[three]

In this episode, Twilight Sparkle accidentally switches her friends' destinies and tries to fix them. By doing then, she becomes an Alicorn princess. The title of the episode alludes to the album Magical Mystery Tour, past the Beatles. The episode features a total of seven songs, the nearly songs in a single episode so far, breaking the previous record of iv set past A Friend in Human activity.


  • ane Production and development
  • ii Summary
    • ii.ane Morning in Ponyville
    • two.ii The Cutie Marking Switch!
    • two.3 Star Swirl's unfinished spell
    • 2.4 Finding their true selves
    • two.5 Finishing the spell
    • two.half dozen Twilight's transformation
    • two.7 The newest princess in Equestria
  • 4 Gallery
  • v References

Production and evolution

Rarity'southward work room after Applejack took over.

G.A. Larson wrote the episode in November 2011.[4] In 2019, he stated that the episode was originally written every bit the series finale before the greenlighting of the fourth season, and would have ended with a sequence of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash flying around Equestria and visiting other characters, followed past "a super heartfelt moment with [Twilight and] her friends" and the closing of the storybook from the first episode.[5] Ultimately, the storybook was closed in The Final Problem, the flavor ix finale.

Testify storyboard creative person Sabrina Alberghetti helped with some clean upward on the episode[half dozen] and said in late December 2012 that she used "what little power" she had to throw in one of her favorite background ponies, who she specified is not hers.[7]

In the summer, musician Andrew Stein played mandolin for show musician William Anderson on a curt cue for an episode of the tertiary season,[eight] [ix] [10] [11] and Stein wrote in early November 2012 that "Apparently information technology's in the season finale this year"[12] and that information technology "near didn't happen" as it was "extremely lucky" that their schedules coincided for information technology;[13] yet, Anderson concluded up not having any role in the episode at all, as Daniel Ingram and Steffan Andrews received the merely music credit. Stein later confirmed that his mandolin part was cut along with Anderson's work when the music product shifted entirely to Ingram and Andrews.[xiv] In early on August 2012, Anderson wrote that "thirteen already exists"[xv] and quoted a subsequent response "You could also translate him as proverb that 313 has already been completed, probably ahead of some of the others, but since I'm just some random nobody, I'd have no idea why they would exercise that"[xvi] with his own response "You don't?"[17]

The version of the episode shown on includes a cursory additional sequence at the offset of the episode. During this sequence, the following text is displayed:

Series Title: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Hub Episode #: 313
Hasbro Production #: 403-313
Episode Title: Magical Mystery Cure
TRT: 22:fifteen DF (22:13:16 23.98fps)

Date: Oct 23, 2012
Attribute: sixteen:ix 1080p 23.98
Chs 1-half-dozen: v.i Full Mix
Chs 7-eight: Full Mix
Chs 9-10: Dialogue Mix
Chs 11-12: M&E Mix
Textless @: 1:23:13:sixteen

A countdown from 10 to 04 occurs to the right of this text, and so a test carte is very briefly shown, and the episode subsequently begins.[xviii] [19]

1 calendar week prior to the episode airing on Tv, the episode was shown early at The Hub's Princess Coronation Concert event in Los Angeles.[20] On February xv, 2013, Meghan McCarthy announced on her Twitter page that the flavour iii finale will take continuity into season iv as it will be separated into three parts, with season three's finale being served every bit the showtime part of a 3-office story.[21]

When asked of what was stopping Twilight from casting the spell, Larson responded that the script "didn't include Starswirl'south[sic] unfinished spell" and that "it was heavily altered from his concluding script."[22]

At the 2013 Leo Awards in Vancouver, British Columbia, Daniel Ingram and Steffan Andrews won "All-time Musical Score in an Animation Program or Serial" for Magical Mystery Cure.[23] [24]


Morning in Ponyville

It's a cute morning!

The episode begins with Twilight Sparkle awakening to a bright and sunny Ponyville twenty-four hours, singing that she's sure today is going to be perfect. During her song, she wakes up Fasten (who goes right back to sleep) and passes by numerous ponies around town, including the Quills and Sofas store owner, who previously appeared in Owl's Well That Ends Well. Equally her vocal reaches its climax, Twilight is suddenly interrupted by a splash of rainwater. She immediately accuses Rainbow Nuance for the rain but instead finds Rarity on a nearby bridge attempting to manipulate the rainclouds; and to Twilight's shock, Rarity has Rainbow Nuance's cutie mark.

The Cutie Marker Switch!

Twilight questions Rarity well-nigh why (or even how) she's decision-making the weather and what happened to her cutie mark. Rarity doesn't know what Twilight is talking about. She explains that she is simply doing what she's done since the day her cutie mark first appeared. Rarity'south "quilt" of clouds causes it to pelting and snow simultaneously in Ponyville, earning her the irritation of the town's residents.

It'south got to be my destiny...

Twilight and a very sleepy Spike go to Fluttershy's cottage (which, co-ordinate to Rarity, is actually Rainbow Dash's cottage) to find out what's going on. They find a sullen Rainbow Dash inside and open up the cottage door to the sight of dozens of woodland animals running amok. What's more, Rainbow Nuance has Fluttershy's cutie mark. Twilight finds Fluttershy at Sugarcube Corner with Little finger Pie's cutie marking, trying to brand ponies express mirth. Pinkie Pie, wearing Applejack's mark, is trying her best to manage Sugariness Apple tree Acres, and Applejack (with Rarity's mark) is at Carousel Boutique trying to make dresses. Each of Twilight'due south friends fail miserably at their new tasks and are conspicuously unhappy, but they sing that they are just doing what their cutie marking is telling them to practise, that it's their destiny to do so.

Star Swirl'south unfinished spell

Twilight and Spike aimlessly return to Golden Oak Library as Twilight realizes what must accept happened: The night before, Princess Celestia had sent her Star Swirl the Bearded's spell volume (seen at the end of The Crystal Empire - Office 2). The concluding page in the book contains Star Swirl's secret, unfinished masterpiece, and Celestia had tasked Twilight with making sense of the spell, believing she is the only pony capable of doing so. She had started past reading the spell aloud:

"From ane to another, another to 1. A marking of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled."
— Star Swirl the Disguised's unfinished spell

Rarity'southward depression over Rainbow Dash'due south cutie mark.

As she did so, she inadvertently cast the spell on the nearby Elements of Harmony, causing them all (aside from Twilight's) to change colors. Twilight deduces that this caused her friends' cutie marks to be swapped around as well. Spike suggests casting a counter spell, simply there is none. He so suggests her memory-fixing spell from when Discord was freed the showtime fourth dimension. Twilight explains that information technology isn't her friends' memories that take been contradistinct but their true selves. And Zecora's cure for the cutie pox wouldn't help either. Realizing their dead-finish situation, Spike reasons that perchance their friends volition grow to like their new lives, but Twilight truly doubts it, accepting blame for her friends' misery.

Once once again, she discovers what friendship means.

Twilight goes upwardly to her room and laments over her terrible mistake and how much misery she'southward brought to both her friends and to Ponyville. Spike consoles her, saying he's sure she'll find a mode to help her friends and ready everything. Reassured, Twilight looks at a photo of her with her friends.

"And they mean more to me than anything. My friends..."
— Twilight Sparkle

Suddenly, Twilight starts to glow, and she gets an idea: if she can't remind her friends of who they are, she'll remind them of what they hateful to each other. She puts the element of magic on and places the rest of the Elements in their chest, then heads out with Spike.

Finding their true selves

Twilight and Spike find Fluttershy in front of the Twinkling Balloon. Disappointed by her failure to make anyone laugh, she decides to motility back to Cloudsdale. Before she does, Twilight asks her if she could assistance Rainbow Nuance with the animals. Fluttershy is very unsure, but she is willing to do whatever she can to aid her true friend.

Back at the cottage, the situation is fifty-fifty worse than before: Rainbow Dash is tied up in a pot, with the animals dancing around her. Fluttershy asks Twilight for a spell, but Twilight refuses and tells her to handle the animals. Fluttershy steps in to feed the woodland creatures, and they instantly calm down and warm upwards to her. She begins to glow, realizing that this is what she's meant to do, that this is her destiny. Twilight and so places the element of kindness on Fluttershy. In a burst of comprehension, Fluttershy finally remembers who she is, and her cutie marker returns to normal.

Friendship is magic.

One by one, Twilight restores the memories and identities of each of her friends by reintroducing them to their correct roles, with the help of her restored friends and the Elements of Harmony: Rainbow Nuance helps Rarity clear the conditions, Rarity helps Applejack make dresses, Applejack helps Pinkie Pie save Sugariness Apple Acres, and Pinkie brings smiles back to anybody in Ponyville.

Finishing the spell

With her friends restored to their true selves, Twilight has another epiphany: She knows how to complete Star Swirl's spell! She and her friends return to the library, and Twilight rewrites the spell'south incantation:

"From all of us together, together nosotros're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, at that place is magic without terminate!"
— Twilight'southward revision of Star Swirl the Disguised's spell

Having completed the spell, the Elements of Harmony spark to life, bathing Twilight in their lite. She suddenly vanishes into thin air, leaving a scorch mark on the wood floor in the shape and pattern of her cutie mark.

Twilight'south transformation

Something tells me we're non in Ponyville anymore.

Twilight appears in a strange, ethereal space total of stars and nebulae. Princess Celestia appears before her, congratulating her on creating a make new form of magic, accomplishing something even Star Swirl the Bearded couldn't, since he didn't understand friendship the mode Twilight does. She leads her pupil downwardly a pathway of stars as dozens of images float by, depicting key moments in Twilight'due south life and study of magic and friendship. Celestia sings of how proud she is of her educatee, and that she is now ready to fulfill her destiny.

Suddenly, a shifting hulk of magenta energy emerges from Twilight's chest and begins to swirl around her while a pulsing white low-cal grows from her very center. Twilight is lifted into the air, the whirls of magenta and white coating her, and she disappears in a brilliant flash, similar the supernova of a star.

In the night heaven over Ponyville, a variation of Twilight'southward cutie mark (sporting six pocket-sized white stars instead of five) appears and floats down to the ground. Twilight'due south friends picket every bit the light fades away and Twilight appears, now a little taller[25] and with a pair of feathered wings.

Twilight, at present with a new pair of wings.

Every bit the others gather around to marvel at Twilight's new await, Rarity states that Twilight has become an Alicorn, with Fluttershy commenting that she looks only like a princess. Princess Celestia appears and states that Twilight is a princess, explaining that since arriving in Ponyville, she's displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and leadership that a truthful princess is known for. Twilight worries that this ways she won't exist Celestia'southward student anymore. Princess Celestia says she'll even so be there to help and guide her, simply Twilight has but as much to teach now as she has to larn. Twilight's friends and Celestia then bow to her.

The newest princess in Equestria

The next day, a princess coronation anniversary is held in Canterlot, which Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance preside over. Celestia addresses the assembly of ponies, saying Twilight has proven without a uncertainty that she is prepared to be crowned Equestria's newest princess.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very kickoff time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!"
— Princess Celestia

And thus starts a new commencement.

The audience beholds Twilight as she and her royal procession enter the throne room. Before the three other Princesses, she is crowned with a new version of the element of magic tiara.[26] On the castle balustrade, Twilight waves to a oversupply of hundreds of cheering ponies. Princess Celestia prompts her to say a few words.

In her offset official address as princess, Twilight says friendship was at one time something she didn't care much about, but she wouldn't be standing in that location if it weren't for the friendships she'southward fabricated. She expresses to her friends her undying gratitude, and considers herself the luckiest pony in Equestria. It'southward an emotional mean solar day for all, fifty-fifty Shining Armor, who Twilight is surprised to find crying. Twilight'southward friends congratulate her, and she meets the five of them in a group hug.

Princess Twilight and her friends raise their voices for last chorus.

In a reprise of the episode's first song, the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle is brought out of the castle in her own chariot before she jumps out to trot and sing alongside her friends. Ponies line the city streets to witness the coronation parade, including Derpy, Cloudchaser, and Flitter. In a final shot of Canterlot, Twilight takes flight on her new wings and soars at the screen, proclaiming everything's going to be just fine.


For more than quotes, see the episode'south transcript.
Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash, that'south not funny!
Rarity: Terribly deplorable, darling. I'm afraid I'one thousand... I'm not good with the thundery ones.
Twilight Sparkle: Something tells me everything is non going to be fine.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Spike, what accept I done?
Spike: Aw, come on, Twilight, yous'll figure out a style to set up this. These are your friends.
Twilight Sparkle: Yous're right, Spike. And they hateful more to me than anything. My friends...
Twilight Sparkle: And I know for absolute certain, that everything is certainly fine!
"From one to another, another to i. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled. […] From all of us together, together we are friends, with the marks of our destinies made one, in that location is magic without terminate!"
— Star Swirl the Bearded's spell finished past Twilight Sparkle
Applejack: Twilight...? Is that yous?
Residuum of principal cast: [gasps]
Applejack: What... I've never seen anything like it!
Rainbow Nuance: Ha! Twilight'southward got wings! Awesome, a new flight buddy!
Rarity: Why, you've become an Alicorn. I didn't even know that was possible!
Pinkie Pie: Alicorn party! [blows party kazoo]
[crowd auspicious]
Fluttershy: Wow... you wait just like a princess!
Princess Celestia: That's because she is a princess.
Primary Cast: Huh?
Pinkie Pie: Hold on a second! [drinks] [does a spit-have]
Twilight Sparkle: A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to written report friendship, which is something I didn't really care much virtually. But now, on a day similar today, I can honestly say I wouldn't be continuing here if it weren't for the friendships I've fabricated with all of you. Each one of you taught me something virtually friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thanks, friends. Cheers, everypony!
Shining Armor: Twilight! I'm so proud of you!
Twilight Sparkle: Are y'all crying?
Shining Armor: Of grade not, information technology's liquid pride. Totally different thing.
Twilight Sparkle: Yes! Everything's going to be just fine!


Main 6 singing "to see the light" S03E13.png

Magical Mystery Cure image gallery


  1. Sabrina Alberghetti (2013-02-fourteen). Johnny and Tom. Retrieved on 2013 Feb xv.
  3. MMeghanMcCarthy: "@MatthewSephton1: @ Question: .... Twitter (2013-06-23). Retrieved on 2013 September 1.
  4. M.A. Larson on Twitter (2012-02-xv). Retrieved on 2013 Feb fifteen.
  5. M.A. Larson (2019-07-xviii). Yo reddit, I'm M.A. Larson, author on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. AMA!. Reddit. Retrieved on 2021 July 15.
  6. DeviantArt: Annotate on *Sibsy's profile (2012-12-20). Retrieved on 2013 January 18.
  7. Bronies for Adept Charity Livestream - Lauren Faust, Amy Keating Rogers, Cindy Morrow, Sibsy & Others - YouTube (2012-12-23). Retrieved on 2013 January eighteen.
  8. William Anderson Panel - Equestria LA 2012 - YouTube (2012-11-04). Retrieved on 2013 January 18.
  9. Twitter / MandoPony: So, to clear things upwardly -- yes,... (2012-eleven-08). Retrieved on 2013 January 18.
  10. DeviantArt: Comment on Christmas banner by *Sibsy (2012-12-x). Retrieved on 2013 Jan xviii.
  11. DeviantArt: Comment on The Rumours Are True by *Sibsy (2013-02-07). Retrieved on 2013 February 8.
  12. Twitter / MandoPony: Apparently it's in the season... (2012-eleven-08). Retrieved on 2013 January 18.
  13. Twitter / MandoPony: It was extremely lucky that... (2012-11-08). Retrieved on 2013 January 18.
  14. Andrew Stein (2013-02-19). I retrieve it got cut from the last score.. Retrieved on 2013 February 24.
  15. Magic Math past *willheim on DeviantArt (2012-08-05). Retrieved on 2013 Jan 18.
  16. DeviantArt: Comment on Magic Math by *willheim (2012-08-05). Retrieved on 2013 January 18.
  17. DeviantArt: Comment on Magic Math by *willheim (2012-08-06). Retrieved on 2013 January 18.
  18. 2013 My Little Pony Redesign. Retrieved on 2013 November 22.
  19. My Lilliputian Pony Videos & Episodes. Retrieved on 2013 November 22.
  20. My Petty Pony: Friendship is Magic "Coronation Concert" Consequence Recap. ComicsOnline (2013-02-thirteen). Retrieved on 2013 Feb 13.
  21. Meghan McCarthy (2013-02-15). I consider the season finale of #MLPFIM a 3-parter.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2013 Feb fifteen.
  22. Thou.A. Larson (2015-06-12). @Rotosequence I don't know. That episode was heavily.... Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 June xvi.
  23. Leo Awards, 2013 Winners by Name. The Motion Film Arts & Sciences Foundation of British Columbia (2013-06-07). Retrieved on 2013 June 8.
  24. Leo Awards via Twitter (2013-06-07). Retrieved on 2013 June 8.
  25. Sabrina Alberghetti (2013-02-18). Comment on Sibsy'south profile. DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2014 April xviii. "Yes, she'south a little taller."
  26. Concur your horses, 'My Little Pony' fans: We've got a new 'Equestria Girls' trailer -- Sectional. (2013-06-07). Retrieved on 2013 June 7.


Episodes, films, and animated shorts
Friendship is Magic
Season 1
Navbox S01E01 thumb.png Navbox S01E02 thumb.png Navbox S01E03 thumb.png Navbox S01E04 thumb.png
Episode one
Friendship is Magic, part i
Episode 2
Friendship is Magic, part 2
Episode 3
The Ticket Master
Episode 4
Applebuck Season
Navbox S01E05 thumb.png Navbox S01E06 thumb.png Navbox S01E07 thumb.png Navbox S01E08 thumb.png
Episode five
Griffon the Brush Off
Episode 6
Boast Busters
Episode 7
Episode 8
Expect Before You Sleep
Navbox S01E09 thumb.png Navbox S01E10 thumb.png Navbox S01E11 thumb.png Navbox S01E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
Bridle Gossip
Episode 10
Swarm of the Century
Episode 11
Winter Wrap Upwardly
Episode 12
Telephone call of the Cutie
Navbox S01E13 thumb.png Navbox S01E14 thumb.png Navbox S01E15 thumb.png Navbox S01E16 thumb.png
Episode 13
Fall Weather condition Friends
Episode 14
Suited For Success
Episode 15
Feeling Pinkie Keen
Episode 16
Sonic Rainboom
Navbox S01E17 thumb.png Navbox S01E18 thumb.png Navbox S01E19 thumb.png Navbox S01E20 thumb.png
Episode 17
Stare Master
Episode eighteen
The Evidence Stoppers
Episode nineteen
A Dog and Pony Show
Episode 20
Green Isn't Your Color
Navbox S01E21 thumb.png Navbox S01E22 thumb.png Navbox S01E23 thumb.png Navbox S01E24 thumb.png
Episode 21
Over a Butt
Episode 22
A Bird in the Hoof
Episode 23
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Episode 24
Owl'south Well That Ends Well
Navbox S01E25 thumb.png Navbox S01E26 thumb.png
Episode 25
Party of Ane
Episode 26
The Best Night Ever
Flavour 2
Navbox S02E01 thumb.png Navbox S02E02 thumb.png Navbox S02E03 thumb.png Navbox S02E04 thumb.png
Episode 1
The Render of Harmony Function i
Episode ii
The Return of Harmony Role 2
Episode 3
Lesson Naught
Episode 4
Luna Eclipsed
Navbox S02E05 thumb.png Navbox S02E06 thumb.png Navbox S02E07 thumb.png Navbox S02E08 thumb.png
Episode v
Sisterhooves Social
Episode 6
The Cutie Pox
Episode 7
May the Best Pet Win!
Episode 8
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Navbox S02E09 thumb.png Navbox S02E10 thumb.png Navbox S02E11 thumb.png Navbox S02E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
Sweet and Elite
Episode 10
Cloak-and-dagger of My Excess
Episode 11
Hearth's Warming Eve
Episode 12
Family Appreciation Day
Navbox S02E13 thumb.png Navbox S02E14 thumb.png Navbox S02E15 thumb.png Navbox S02E16 thumb.png
Episode 13
Baby Cakes
Episode 14
The Last Roundup
Episode 15
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
Episode 16
Read It and Cry
Navbox S02E17 thumb.png Navbox S02E18 thumb.png Navbox S02E19 thumb.png Navbox S02E20 thumb.png
Episode 17
Hearts and Hooves Mean solar day
Episode 18
A Friend in Deed
Episode 19
Putting Your Hoof Down
Episode 20
It's Well-nigh Fourth dimension
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Episode 21
Dragon Quest
Episode 22
Hurricane Fluttershy
Episode 23
Ponyville Confidential
Episode 24
MMMystery on the Friendship Express
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Episode 25
A Canterlot Wedding - Function i
Episode 26
A Canterlot Wedding - Role 2
Season 3
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Episode 1
The Crystal Empire - Part 1
Episode 2
The Crystal Empire - Office 2
Episode 3
As well Many Pinkie Pies
Episode iv
Ane Bad Apple
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Episode 5
Magic Duel
Episode 6
Sleepless in Ponyville
Episode seven
Wonderbolts Academy
Episode viii
Apple Family Reunion
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Episode 9
Spike at Your Service
Episode ten
Keep Calm and Flutter On
Episode xi
Just for Sidekicks
Episode 12
Games Ponies Play
Navbox S03E13 thumb.png
Episode 13
Magical Mystery Cure
Season four
Navbox S04E01 thumb.png Navbox S04E02 thumb.png Navbox S04E03 thumb.png Navbox S04E04 thumb.png
Episode i
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Role 1
Episode two
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Function 2
Episode 3
Castle Mane-ia
Episode iv
Daring Don't
Navbox S04E05 thumb.png Navbox S04E06 thumb.png Navbox S04E07 thumb.png Navbox S04E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Flight to the Finish
Episode 6
Power Ponies
Episode 7
Episode eight
Rarity Takes Manehattan
Navbox S04E09 thumb.png Navbox S04E10 thumb.png Navbox S04E11 thumb.png Navbox S04E12 thumb.png
Episode nine
Pinkie Apple tree Pie
Episode ten
Rainbow Falls
Episode 11
Iii'due south A Crowd
Episode 12
Little finger Pride
Navbox S04E13 thumb.png Navbox S04E14 thumb.png Navbox S04E15 thumb.png Navbox S04E16 thumb.png
Episode 13
Simple Ways
Episode 14
Filli Vanilli
Episode 15
Twilight Time
Episode xvi
Information technology Ain't Easy Being Breezies
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Episode 17
Somepony to Watch Over Me
Episode 18
Maud Pie
Episode xix
For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
Episode 20
Leap of Faith
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Episode 21
Testing Testing ane, ii, 3
Episode 22
Trade Ya!
Episode 23
Inspiration Manifestation
Episode 24
Equestria Games
Navbox S04E25 thumb.png Navbox S04E26 thumb.png
Episode 25
Twilight's Kingdom - Function 1
Episode 26
Twilight'due south Kingdom - Role ii
Season five
Navbox S05E01 thumb.png Navbox S05E02 thumb.png Navbox S05E03 thumb.png Navbox S05E04 thumb.png
Episode 1
The Cutie Map - Part 1
Episode 2
The Cutie Map - Part two
Episode 3
Castle Sweetness Castle
Episode 4
Bloom & Gloom
Navbox S05E05 thumb.png Navbox S05E06 thumb.png Navbox S05E07 thumb.png Navbox S05E08 thumb.png
Episode v
Tanks for the Memories
Episode half-dozen
Appleoosa'southward Well-nigh Wanted
Episode seven
Make New Friends but Keep Discord
Episode viii
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Navbox S05E09 thumb.png Navbox S05E10 thumb.png Navbox S05E11 thumb.png Navbox S05E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
Slice of Life
Episode 10
Princess Spike
Episode 11
Party Pooped
Episode 12
Amending Fences
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Episode xiii
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Episode 14
Canterlot Bazaar
Episode 15
Rarity Investigates!
Episode 16
Fabricated in Manehattan
Navbox S05E17 thumb.png Navbox S05E18 thumb.png Navbox S05E19 thumb.png Navbox S05E20 thumb.png
Episode 17
Brotherhooves Social
Episode 18
Crusaders of the Lost Marking
Episode 19
The One Where Little finger Pie Knows
Episode 20
Navbox S05E21 thumb.png Navbox S05E22 thumb.png Navbox S05E23 thumb.png Navbox S05E24 thumb.png
Episode 21
Scare Master
Episode 22
What Near Discord?
Episode 23
The Hooffields and McColts
Episode 24
The Mane Attraction
Navbox S05E25 thumb.png Navbox S05E26 thumb.png
Episode 25
The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1
Episode 26
The Cutie Re-Mark - Part ii
Season vi
Navbox S06E01 thumb.png Navbox S06E02 thumb.png Navbox S06E03 thumb.png Navbox S06E04 thumb.png
Episode i
The Crystalling - Role 1
Episode 2
The Crystalling - Role 2
Episode three
The Souvenir of the Maud Pie
Episode four
On Your Marks
Navbox S06E05 thumb.png Navbox S06E06 thumb.png Navbox S06E07 thumb.png Navbox S06E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Gauntlet of Fire
Episode half-dozen
No Second Prances
Episode 7
Newbie Dash
Episode eight
A Hearth's Warming Tail
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Episode ix
The Saddle Row Review
Episode 10
Applejack's "24-hour interval" Off
Episode 11
Palpitate Brutter
Episode 12
Spice Upwards Your Life
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Episode 13
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Episode 14
The Cart Earlier the Ponies
Episode 15
28 Pranks Afterward
Episode sixteen
The Times They Are A Changeling
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Episode 17
Dungeons & Discords
Episode 18
Buckball Season
Episode 19
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Episode xx
Viva Las Pegasus
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Episode 21
Every Little Thing She Does
Episode 22
P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)
Episode 23
Where the Apple Lies
Episode 24
Top Bolt
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Episode 25
To Where and Back Once more - Part one
Episode 26
To Where and Back Again - Part 2
Season 7
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Episode 1
Angelic Advice
Episode 2
All Bottled Up
Episode 3
A Flurry of Emotions
Episode four
Rock Solid Friendship
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Episode v
Fluttershy Leans In
Episode six
Forever Colt
Episode vii
Parental Glideance
Episode 8
Hard to Say Anything
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Episode 9
Honest Apple
Episode x
A Imperial Problem
Episode eleven
Non Asking for Trouble
Episode 12
Discordant Harmony
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Episode 13
The Perfect Pear
Episode fourteen
Fame and Misfortune
Episode 15
Triple Threat
Episode 16
Campfire Tales
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Episode 17
To Change a Changeling
Episode eighteen
Daring Done?
Episode 19
It Isn't the Mane Thing About Yous
Episode 20
A Health of Information
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Episode 21
Marks and Recreation
Episode 22
One time Upon a Zeppelin
Episode 23
Secrets and Pies
Episode 24
Uncommon Bail
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Episode 25
Shadow Play - Part i
Episode 26
Shadow Play - Part 2
Season eight
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Episode ane
School Daze - Part i
Episode ii
School Daze - Part 2
Episode three
The Maud Couple
Episode 4
Fake It 'Til You Arrive
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Episode v
Grannies Gone Wild
Episode 6
Surf and/or Turf
Episode 7
Equus caballus Play
Episode eight
The Parent Map
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Episode 9
Non-Compete Clause
Episode x
The Suspension Up Break Down
Episode 11
Molt Down
Episode 12
Marks for Endeavor
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Episode xiii
The Mean 6
Episode xiv
A Matter of Principals
Episode fifteen
The Hearth'due south Warming Club
Episode 16
Friendship University
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Episode 17
The End in Friend
Episode 18
Episode 19
Road to Friendship
Episode 20
The Washouts
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Episode 21
A Rockhoof and a Difficult Place
Episode 22
What Lies Beneath
Episode 23
Sounds of Silence
Episode 24
Father Knows Brute
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Episode 25
School Raze - Part 1
Episode 26
School Raze - Part 2
Season nine
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Episode 1
The Kickoff of the End - Part 1
Episode two
The Offset of the Terminate - Part two
Episode iii
Episode 4
Sparkle'due south Seven
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Episode 5
The Point of No Return
Episode 6
Common Footing
Episode 7
She'due south All Yak
Episode 8
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Episode ix
Sugariness and Smoky
Episode 10
Going to Seed
Episode 11
Student Counsel
Episode 12
The Final Cause
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Episode 13
Between Dark and Dawn
Episode 14
The Last Express mirth
Episode 15
2, 4, half dozen, Greaaat
Episode 16
A Trivial Pursuit
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Episode 17
The Summer Sun Setback
Episode 18
She Talks to Angel
Episode 19
Dragon Dropped
Episode xx
A Horse Shoe-In
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Episode 21
Daring Doubt
Episode 22
Growing Up is Difficult to Do
Episode 23
The Big Mac Question
Episode 24
The Ending of the End - Role one
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Episode 25
The Ending of the End - Part two
Episode 26
The Last Problem
Prune shows
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Episode i
A-Dressing Memories
Episode ii
Cakes for the Memories
Episode three
Episode 4
Deep Tissue Memories
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Episode 5
Harvesting Memories
Episode 6
Memories and More
Pony Life
Season one
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Episode ane
Princess Probz
Episode ii
The All-time of the Worst
Episode iii
How Applejack Got Her Hat Back
Episode iv
Cute-pocalypse Meow
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Episode 5
Bad Thing No. 3
Episode 6
Pinkie Pie: Hyper-Helper
Episode 7
The Trail Less Trotten
Expiry of a Sales-Pony
Episode 8
Bighoof Walking
The Fluttershy Effect
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Episode ix
The Fast and the Furriest
Disappearing Act
Episode 10
Badge of Shame
Discord's Peak
Episode 11
A Camping ground Nosotros Will Go
Campfire Stories
Episode 12
Friendship Gems
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Episode 13
Potion Mystery
Sick Day
Episode 14
Run across Potion Nova!
Pony Surfin' Safari
Episode 15
All Bottled Upwardly
All That Jitters
Episode 16
I, Cookie
Keynote Pie
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Episode 17
Ponies of the Moment
One Click Wonder
Episode 18
Zound Off
Unboxing 24-hour interval
Episode nineteen
Don't Look a GIF Equus caballus in the Oral fissure
The Root of It
Episode twenty
The Mysterious Voice
The 5 Habits of Highly Effective Ponies
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Episode 21
Game Knight
Managing director Spike'due south Mockumentary
Episode 22
Dear Tabby
Episode 23
Pie vs. Pie
Superb Vi
Episode 24
The Debut Taunt
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Episode 25
The Rarity Report
The Nifty Divide
Episode 26
The Nifty Collide
Sportacular Spectacular Musical Musak-ular
Season two
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Episode 1
Cute Impact
The Crystal Capturing Contraption
Episode 2
The Comet Section
Cotton Candy-Colored Glasses
Episode 3
Close Encounters of the Balloon Kind
The Tiara of Truth
Episode 4
Bubble Trouble
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Episode 5
Time After Time Sheathing
The Great Cowgirl Hat Robbery
Episode half dozen
Planet of the Apps
Back to the Nowadays
Episode seven
Magical Mare-story Bout
Life of Pie
Episode eight
The Rarest of Occasions
Portal Combat
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Episode ix
What Goes Updo
Communication Shakedown
Episode 10
Little Miss Fortune
Episode xi
Playwright or Wrong
The Shows Must Go On
Episode 12
The De-Stress Brawl
Mad Props
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Episode thirteen
Magic is Ahoof
Journeying to the Eye of the 'Cord
Episode 14
One Terminal Wish
Wild Center Beats
Feature films
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Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks Friendship Games Legend of Everfree
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My Picayune Pony The Movie A New Generation
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Dance Magic Movie Magic Mirror Magic Forgotten Friendship
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Rollercoaster of Friendship Best Gift Ever Bound Breakdown Rainbow Roadtrip
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Dusk's Backstage Laissez passer Holidays Unwrapped
Blithe shorts
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Rainbow Rocks shorts Friendship Games shorts Summer Shorts Equestria Girls: Amend Together (season i)
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Equestria Girls: Meliorate Together (flavor 2) Equestria Girls: Choose Your Ain Catastrophe (season 1) Equestria Girls: Cull Your Ain Catastrophe (flavour 2) Equestria Girls Minis
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Infant Flurry Centre's Heartfelt Scrapbook Rarity'southward Peek Behind the Bazaar Fundamentals of Magic My Little Pony Established 1983
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Friendship is Magic shorts Hello Pinkie Pie Finish Motion Shorts Tell Your Tale
